When paralyzing snow storms hit your city, your vehicle needs to perform, no matter the conditions!
This past weekend we saw a devastating blizzard hit Western New York. Temperatures plummeting to below 8 degrees, winds reaching 79 MPH, and four feet of snow fall all equated to what meteorologists are calling a “Bomb cyclone”. Due to the extreme cold, a lot of the private, commercial, and even industrial diesel engines couldn’t start due to “Gelling”.
Normally, diesel fuel contains a wax that exists in a liquid form at normal temperatures. As it becomes freezing, the naturally occurring wax begins to crystalize and clings together, becoming solid. It’s easy to understand that if the liquid in your gas tank, fuel lines and filter start to solidify, it can create a problem – But we have an answer!
Although it doesn’t prevent the fuel from gelling, it is a reactive measure to re-liquefy gelled fuel. Available now at General Welding & Fabricating!
- The original and best diesel fuel winter emergency product
- Reliquefies gelled fuel
- De-ices frozen fuel-filters
- Removes water
- Prevents fuel-filter icing
- Contains Slickdiesel Lubricator to protect fuel pumps and injectors from increased wear caused by poor quality Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) fuel
- Effective in all diesel fuels, including ULSD and biodiesel blends
- Safe for use in all diesel engines
- Will not void engine manufacturer’s warranty when used as directed

Our showroom at General Welding & Fabricating hosts an array of products from Diesel 911, a winter emergency use product. Diesel 911’s Winter Rescue Formula restores the flow of diesel fuel to your engine caused by gelled fuel or frozen fuel-filters!